1 research outputs found

    Complicaciones Psicol贸gicas de la Hospitalizaci贸n Infantil

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    Introduction: The child is in constant physical, physiological and psychological training due to the experiences that arise during growth and that is why when he/she must be subjected to medical procedures, diagnosis, different treatments and perhaps surgical interventions, he/she reaches stress levels leading to the development of short- and long-term psychological alterations.  Objective: To define psychological disorders during hospital stay in children. Methodology: A search of the literature published in English and Spanish in the last 5 years in MEDLINE and PubMed was carried out using keywords such as: pediatric hospitalization, hospitalized children, psychological distress in children, psychological disturbances in children, psychological disturbances in hospitalization, the information was collected including all the articles related to the pediatric population, making summaries for analysis and subsequent preparation of this research work.  Discussion: Illness in childhood can have important repercussions on psychosocial development and its effects are even more noticeable when the child requires hospitalization, due to separation from his environment, from his family, actions that trigger states of anxiety, depression, sadness, personality changes, lack of cooperation, fear, sleep disturbance during his hospital stay, and even after discharge.  Conclusions: When a pediatric patient requires hospitalization their treatment should be multidisciplinary with intervention of: Pediatrician, Psychologist, Nursing staff and parents, who together must act in a synchronized manner, so that the child accepts and adapts psychologically during his hospitalization. In addition, it is necessary to implement other types of alternative treatments such as reading, play therapy, laughter therapy and coadjuvant therapy with animals such as dogs and goldfish used in several countries of the world with remarkable results, since they reduce the degree of anxiety, the time of hospitalization, with excellent biological, psychological and social recoveryIntroducci贸n: El ni帽o est谩 en formaci贸n constante tanto f铆sica, fisiol贸gica y psicol贸gica por las vivencias que van surgiendo durante su crecimiento y es por ello que cuando debe ser sometido a procedimientos m茅dico, diagn贸stico, distintos tratamientos y quiz谩s intervenciones quir煤rgicas alcanza niveles de estr茅s conllevando a desarrollar alteraciones psicol贸gicas a corto y largo plazo.  Objetivo: Definir los trastornos psicol贸gicos durante la estancia hospitalaria en ni帽os. Metodolog铆a: Se realiz贸 una b煤squeda de la literatura publicada en ingl茅s y espa帽ol de los 煤ltimos 5 a帽os en MEDLINE y PubMed por medio de palabras clave como: pediatric hospitalization, hospitalized children, psychological distress in children, alteraciones psicol贸gicas en ni帽os, alteraciones psicol贸gicas en hospitalizaci贸n, se recolect贸 la informaci贸n incluyendo todos los art铆culos relacionados con poblaci贸n pedi谩trica, realizando res煤menes para su an谩lisis y posterior elaboraci贸n del presente trabajo de investigaci贸n.  Discusi贸n: La enfermedad en la infancia puede tener repercusiones importantes en el desarrollo psicosocial y sus efectos son a煤n m谩s notables cuando el ni帽o precisa de hospitalizaci贸n, debido a la separaci贸n de su entorno, de su familia, acciones que desencadena estados de ansiedad, depresi贸n, tristeza, cambios de personalidad, falta de cooperaci贸n, miedo, alteraci贸n del sue帽o durante su estancia hospitalaria, e incluso posterior al alta.  Conclusiones: Cuando un paciente pedi谩trico requiere hospitalizaci贸n su tratamiento debe ser multidisciplinario con intervenci贸n de: Pediatra, Psic贸logo, personal de Enfermer铆a y los padres, quienes en conjunto deben actuar en forma sincronizada, para que el ni帽o acepte y se adapte psicol贸gicamente durante su hospitalizaci贸n. Adem谩s, es necesario implementar otro tipo de tratamientos alternativos como la lectura, terapias l煤dicas, risoterapia y terapia coadyuvante con animales como canes y peces dorados utilizados en varios pa铆ses del mundo con notables resultados, ya que disminuyen el grado de ansiedad, el tiempo de hospitalizaci贸n, con excelente recuperaci贸n biol贸gica, psicol贸gica y socia